Status: Done/Fixed
Resolution: Fixed/Completed
Affects Version/s: 2.1
Fix Version/s: 3.0
Component/s: CiviMember, Core CiviCRM
Modify the post process code for handling adding and removing a Current Employer via the Edit Contact form as follows:
- if a new "Current Employer" is entered, check for inheritable membership type - and create membership for the individual if needed (we should trigger the same function which is used to check for and create inherited memberships when a relationship is created or edited)
- if an existing "Current Employer" is removed or changed (to a different organization), we should DISABLE the existing Employee / Employer relationship record. The "disable relationship" action should also trigger the function which checks if an existing inherited membership needs to be deleted.
To recreate the "bug": - Organization record is a member of type "employer of" (so membership extends to employees)
- In an individual record, if you select this org as the current employer, it creates the relationship but the individual contact does not receive the inherited membership.
However, If you go into the individual's relationship tab and edit/save the existing relationship (created through the current employer dropdown), the membership record is then created.