1. Since we don't support user-defined label formats for Name Badges, remove the option to 'Add' or 'Edit' label formats in the Name Badge group from Administer > Communications > Label Formats page and form (civicrm/admin/labelFormats?reset=1)
NOTE: We could remove them from the selector completely, OR (and I think this is preferred) - make them reserved and only allow users to view the label format form values w/o allowing them to edit or delete a format.
2. In addition to the Avery 5395, insert the following 3 label formats into the Name Badge group:
Hanging Badge
A6 Badge Portrait
Fattorini Name Badge
(screenshots attached w/ parameters for each)
3. Update Badge Layout code to support the 3 additional label formats (civicrm/admin/badgelayout?reset=1).