Import Participants - the field mapping now includes confusingly duplicated options for:
Participant Role / Participant Role(s)
Participant Status / Participant Status
In my testing the I think 'singular' Participant Role option worked for mapping Participant Role ID in the attached file (altho I might be remembering this in reverse). I was NOT able to import successfully with just mapping Participant Role label (e.g. "Attendee" etc.) with either selection.
One of the Participant Status options worked for Status label and I think one worked for Status ID - so in that case it's a matter of clarifying the option labels.
I've attached screeshots of field mapping dropdown from 4.4 and 4.5 to clarify.
I've committed fixes to WebTest_Import_ParticipantTest::testParticipantImportIndividual so that it completes now. Once you have the correct labels and both id and label working for status and role - please update the test so that it covers those cases.
Sample import file, and error file.