CRM-15028 Import Participants - field matching labels for Role and Status are duplicated and import by Role label is broken


    • Type: Bug
    • Status: Done/Fixed
    • Priority: Major
    • Resolution: Fixed/Completed
    • Affects Version/s: 4.5
    • Fix Version/s: 4.5
    • Component/s: CiviEvent
    • Labels:
    • Documentation Required?:


      Import Participants - the field mapping now includes confusingly duplicated options for:
      Participant Role / Participant Role(s)
      Participant Status / Participant Status

      In my testing the I think 'singular' Participant Role option worked for mapping Participant Role ID in the attached file (altho I might be remembering this in reverse). I was NOT able to import successfully with just mapping Participant Role label (e.g. "Attendee" etc.) with either selection.

      One of the Participant Status options worked for Status label and I think one worked for Status ID - so in that case it's a matter of clarifying the option labels.

      I've attached screeshots of field mapping dropdown from 4.4 and 4.5 to clarify.

      I've committed fixes to WebTest_Import_ParticipantTest::testParticipantImportIndividual so that it completes now. Once you have the correct labels and both id and label working for status and role - please update the test so that it covers those cases.


        1. Import_Errors(1).csv
          0.7 kB
          David Greenberg
        2. Import_Participants.csv
          0.4 kB
          David Greenberg
        3. ImportMappings-44.PNG
          16 kB
          David Greenberg
        4. ImportMappings-45.PNG
          15 kB
          David Greenberg


          [CRM-15028] Import Participants - field matching labels for Role and Status are duplicated and import by Role label is broken
          David Greenberg added a comment -

          Sample import file, and error file.

          Joanne Chester added a comment -

          Participant Status * ( Ie the one currently indicated as required) should be participant status Id
          Participant Status ( ie the one not marked as required) is the Participant status

          I don't know if I should start a new issue with the following related but extra observations.
          You can do an import with either participant status Id or participant status, so just having (what should be) participant status Id marked as required is a little confusing.

          Also, mostly if you don't match a required field with an import field you get an error telling you which filed needs to be included and you can't get past the Match fields page. However, if you don't match participant status * or participant status you can proceed to the next step and it is only there that the error shows up with an 'invalid data' message. You need to download the errors to see what is wrong.

          Coleman Watts added a comment -

          This fixes the field labels, and I was able to run the import without errors.

          Joanne I agree that there are other things about the import code that are annoying, but not sure if this is the right time to tackle them. I added a couple of FIXME comments though.


            • Assignee:
              David Greenberg
              David Greenberg


              • Created: