Case types may be configured without a Standard Timeline (to allow ad hoc insertion of activities in the case). However, this triggers a bug in the Case selector. Cases which do not (yet) have any rows in civicrm_case_activity are not included in the Cases selector . The selector 'count' query does include them - so the Cases tab shows (1) even thought the selector is empty. (see screenshot -
Screen Shot 2014-08-21 at 11.43.59 AM.PNG)
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I don't think you should be able to:
- delete Open Case from the standard timeline
- delete the standard timeline from a Case type.
The first thing you do for a case is open it so even if that is all there is in the standard timeline it should be there.
If you delete Open Case from the standard timeline:
- you can't add other activities to the standard timeline.
- when you open a case of that type the cases tab for the contact is incremented by one BUT if you click on the cases tab it says "There are no case records for this contact." .
- the case dashboard shows a case of that type is open, but when you click on the number you are taken to the Find Cases search page and given the message "no matches found..."
So letting people delete Open Case creates inconsistencies within CiviCRM.
If you delete the standard timeline from a Case type then any timeline you have defined is treated as the standard timeline and the activities in it are created when the case is opened.This can create a set of activities with wrong dates, particularly when the timeline uses the end of the case as the reference as is shown in the attached screenshots.