CRM-17350 Non-administrators unable to tag contacts using Tags tab


    • Type: Bug
    • Status: Done/Fixed
    • Priority: Major
    • Resolution: Fixed/Completed
    • Affects Version/s: 4.5.8, 4.6.3
    • Fix Version/s: 4.7
    • Component/s: CiviCRM API
    • Labels:
    • Documentation Required?:
    • Funding Source:
      Contributed Code


      Please see both the question and the answer:

      Reprinted below:

      I'd like to draw attention to a flaw in the ACL permissioning. I'm a volunteer setting up a national database for a new non-profit, but I want non-admins to be able to edit the data for their state and not others. I got that to work using smart groups and the ACL system (yay!). The flaw is that non-admins can't tag contacts. I'm not talking about administering tags...they can't add an existing tag to an existing contact. The permission edit_all_contacts is required, but that ruins the state level permissioning. This is a serious flaw that defeats the benefits of the ACL system. This issue was also documented in June: Non-administrators unable to tag contacts using Tags tab In that case, it was Drupal version: 7.37. CiviCRM version: 4.6.3.

      I'm using 4.5.8 and the current versions of Wordpress and the Members Plugin. Our org is new and we can't afford much at this point, but we plan on contributing to ya'll once we're up and running. Thanks for the great software and I look forward to your reply!

      I can't really see the use case where "Edit All Contacts" should be required for adding a tag. I think this is something that should be changed. So the solution is to submit a patch or ask a developer to do so.

      Now, I'm not part of the CiviCRM core team - but I do submit patches like this one on behalf of my clients. I'm pretty slammed, but I'll make you an offer. If your organization is willing to join the CiviCRM Membership Program, I'll volunteer to fix this in an upcoming version of CiviCRM - and to help you install a personalized patch so you don't need to wait until you upgrade.

      If this is amenable to you, please:

      • File an issue for this at Reference this question, and mark the "Funding Source" as "Contributed Code".
      • Add a comment on this answer linking to your new issue.
      • In 1-2 days, the core team will reply. If they agree that there's no legitimate case for "Edit All Contacts" permission to create tags, you'll join the membership program.
      • I'll ask the membership coordinator to inform me when this happens.
      • At that point, I'll develop a patch, submit it to the core team, and work with you to get it working on your system.



          [CRM-17350] Non-administrators unable to tag contacts using Tags tab
          David Greenberg added a comment -

          Jim Crist and Jon K Goldberg - Users with edit permissions via 'edit all contacts' OR via an ACL that grants edit permission on the contact should be able to use the Tags tab to add / remove tags.

          I tested the 'edit permission via ACL' case in 4.7 and indeed the user is able to do all other contact edit tasks if they are granted edit rights via ACL (e.g. inline edit of address, phone etc and edit all properties in full contact edit form).

          The immediate problem is that the Tags tab is using EntityTag api - which in term uses api permissions defined in CRM/Core/DAO/permissions.php. Commenting out line 117 prevents the api permissions:

          'default' => array(
          'access CiviCRM',
          // 'edit all contacts',

          Of course this is NOT the 'solution'. What needs to happen is replace that with a check for edit permissions on the specific contact id. Evidently this may be done somewhere else for 'address', 'phone', etc. since this same user CAN update those via inline edit which "I think" uses the api and their default permissions are set in the same place. I snooped around for that over-ride but didn't find it. Eileen McNaughton or Coleman Watts might be able to shed more light on this.

          David Greenberg added a comment -

          This is the error you get in 4.7 when trying to update a tag in Tags tab. Note that CRM_Contact_Page_View::checkUserPermission seems to be assigning the 'edit' permission correctly when called by CRM_Contact_Page_View_Tag - because the checkboxes are NOT set read-only (as they would be if $permission was 'view').

          Eileen McNaughton added a comment -

          The inline edit on the contact summary doesn't use the api 'properly' - so this problem wasn't tackled for it. The work johanv did on the api in 4.7 lays the groundwork for dealing with this - we are now able to add joins in the api - but we still need to build in the ACLs

          Jon K Goldberg added a comment -

          I see where Eileen and Johan are going with CRM-16036, and I agree that sounds like an ideal long-term solution. However, this seems a bit further out.

          In the interim, what about moving the permission check from the API to BAO level? Something like:

          • Remove the "Edit All Contacts" permission check from EntityTag in permissions.php;
          • In CRM_Core_BAO_EntityTag::addEntitiesToTag (and CRM_Core_BAO_EntityTag::removeEntitiesFromTag) add a check in the foreach loop that's something like:
            if (!CRM_Core_Permission::check('edit all contacts'))
            Unknown macro: { $result = civicrm_api3('Contact', 'getsingle', array('id' => $entityId)); if ($result['is_error'] == 1) { continue; }}}}

          I'm not 100% sure what the error you'd get would be on permission failure, so that's a question mark, but is it worth pursuing this? Or are ACL-aware joins in the API a realistic target for 4.7?

          Eileen McNaughton added a comment -

          That sounds feasible specifically for that api because it is so abnormal ...(non-standard)

          Coleman Watts added a comment -

          I agree with that approach, although instead of checking 'edit all contacts' in the loop you can actually use CRM_Contact_BAO_Contact_Permission::allow() which respects finer-grained ACLs.

          Jon K Goldberg added a comment -

          I have an initial patch here:

          It seems that because of how the EntityTag API is non-standard, I can't really bubble up an error if someone lacks the correct permission - I just get to increment numEntitiesNotAdded. If I'm missing some better approach that lets me return an actual error but does NOT break a use case where multiple entities are receiving a tag, I'd love to hear it - but I think this is as good as it gets here.

          Also - Hungarian variable notation in PHP? Sigh.

          Jon K Goldberg added a comment -

          Seamus Lee pointed out a mistake I made, where I'd unintentionally loosened the permissions on more APIs than just EntityTag. I updated the PR to fix this.

          David Greenberg added a comment -

          The PR needs some additional work to handle tags on entities other than contacts, per comment by Coleman Watts.


            • Assignee:
              Jon K Goldberg
              Jim Crist


              • Created: