Status: Reopened
Resolution: Unresolved
Affects Version/s: 4.6.10, 4.7.13
Fix Version/s: 4.6.11
Component/s: None
Versioning Impact:Patch (backwards-compatible bug fixes)
Documentation Required?:None
Funding Source:Contributed Code
Hi Dave,
Can you size up a fix for an issue with imports into checkboxes (but may affect other field widgets also).
If you create a new custom field and in this case add it to activity. Make the field a checkbox and give it some options.
Make the option label + the same+ as the option value. important!
If you then attempt to import to the field through the importer, after import you will get error for all fields "'1' is not a valid option for field custom_XX"
I set this up on the demo site - using new field called "Nature of enquiry / feedback".
Please see example import attached and import errors doc.
If you can size this up asap and then I can get the fix approved to be paid.
Let me know if you need any more info.
Many thanks
nb - Dave if you want to include in costs adding tests to this stuff then please give both estimates. thanks
Issue Links
- links to
RE: "note: also there seems to be an issue with this field on the dev site in that the option values are not showing on this page for some reason: but they are definitely there as if I try and add them it says they already exist. Let me know if you want a separate ticket for the option values."
Jamie Novick The 'Edit Multiple Choice Options' page is broken regardless of the contents of the option labels / values IF the default Display Preferences setting 'Enable Pop-up Forms' has been disabled. This is a separate (minor) issue unrelated to the above problem. Discussing a fix w/ Coleman Watts.