Status: Open
Resolution: Unresolved
Affects Version/s: 4.6, 4.7
Fix Version/s: 4.7
Component/s: Core CiviCRM
Versioning Impact:Patch (backwards-compatible bug fixes)
Documentation Required?:None
Funding Source:Needs Funding
Add an opt-out registration to this page:
- at the end of the form, add a few fields that mirror the 'Register a site form', including Number of Employees (we should probably use 'staff' here), Annual Budget, Organization Category and Publish your Responses.
- above the 'Save' button, create a check-box (checked by default) that states "Register my site with This information is necessary as part of the grants we receive and in order to better understand our user base when planning for new features."
- On the Save action, if the check-box is checked, proceed with a site registration on the website. We might run into issues with the XSS token, but I trust CiviCRM to deal with duplicates/multiple submissions in a sound way.
The concept here as Nicolas and I discussed is to create an easy way for site registration that captures key information that we can aggregate and leverage for foundation funding. Examples would include "sector" and "country". Likewise, some information would help us better communicate with stakeholders such as "CMS", "components used", etc.