CRM-18252 Opt-out registration on the " Organization Address and Contact Info" screen


    • Type: Improvement
    • Status: Open
    • Priority: Minor
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • Affects Version/s: 4.6, 4.7
    • Fix Version/s: 4.7
    • Component/s: Core CiviCRM
    • Labels:
    • Versioning Impact:
      Patch (backwards-compatible bug fixes)
    • Documentation Required?:
    • Funding Source:
      Needs Funding


      Add an opt-out registration to this page:

      • at the end of the form, add a few fields that mirror the 'Register a site form', including Number of Employees (we should probably use 'staff' here), Annual Budget, Organization Category and Publish your Responses.
      • above the 'Save' button, create a check-box (checked by default) that states "Register my site with This information is necessary as part of the grants we receive and in order to better understand our user base when planning for new features."
      • On the Save action, if the check-box is checked, proceed with a site registration on the website. We might run into issues with the XSS token, but I trust CiviCRM to deal with duplicates/multiple submissions in a sound way.



          [CRM-18252] Opt-out registration on the " Organization Address and Contact Info" screen
          Josh Gowans added a comment -

          The concept here as Nicolas and I discussed is to create an easy way for site registration that captures key information that we can aggregate and leverage for foundation funding. Examples would include "sector" and "country". Likewise, some information would help us better communicate with stakeholders such as "CMS", "components used", etc.

          Coleman Watts added a comment -

          We want to ensure we send "site id" back to when doing the pingback.
          Note that the process for upgrades will be slightly trickier than for new installs, due to not wanting to prompt already registered sites to register again.

          Nicolas Ganivet added a comment - - edited

          All - let's differentiate 'registration' (ie. this process, ultimately creating information in the CRM) and 'pingback' (ie. technical pingback, ultimately creating information in the stats database).

          @josh: OK about the 'CMS', we can collect automatically without having to ask the question on-screen. Not so sure about any other technical information since a) the registration happens once on the first launch of the CRM, so the components will always be the default, b) the components and any other technical info is subject to change over time and c) we already have these, in real-time, as part of the pingback and in the statistics.

          @coleman: we ABSOLUTELY DO NOT want to send the site_id as part of this registration since this would establish a unique link between the registration of an organization and their pingback information - so we would know that OrgABC has collected X $ in donation this month, has Y members and sent Z email last week ...

          @coleman: as noted, we need to configure and trust the CiviCRM dedupe to a) ensure that this will not create a dupe on registration if the organization has already registered on the c.o website and b) ensure that this will not create a dupe if the admin presses the 'Save' button another time 6 months from now when the org moves to another address.

          Coleman Watts added a comment -

          Nicolas Ganivet - to clarify what I meant, there are, confusingly, two things we think of as a "site id" - one is the hash sent during anonymous pingbacks, and the other is the unique identifier assigned to each site for membership, registration and in-app message tracking purposes. It's the latter we want to send from here, not the former.

          Coleman Watts added a comment -

          Nicolas Ganivet - assigning this to you because I think you said you wanted to work on it. Correct me if I'm wrong.

          Nicolas Ganivet added a comment -

          Really under water now with a few large projects starting, so not for the short term. But yes, I have been pushing this idea for a long time so only fair to assign it to me. That said, this can also be a nice project to on-board a new partner in contributing .... (more exciting than fixing a bug or two).

          Nicolas Ganivet added a comment -

          A few more items:

          • the information collected on the registration needs to align with the existing fields on c.o and Josh needs to approve the design
          • collected information needs to be manually reviewed before being accepted on c.o (ie. should not be an entry point for spam, hacking and other malicious intent on c.o))
          • registration needs to be validated with WP requirements for being part of their official plugins directory
          Allen Shaw added a comment - - edited

          At present, Josh Gowans asked me to focus on just adding a checkbox with label along the lines of "Automatically register this site at using information on this form." (for which the wording is nowhere near final).

          Since the "Organization Address and Contact Info" screen doesn't have all the fields that are in the registration webform, just adding a checkbox will mean that we can't get all the information we usually ask for. This list shows the fields from the form, marking "+" for those that are in this in-app screen, and "-" for those that are not (which is most of them):

          - Are you currently evaluating CiviCRM or using CiviCRM?
          + Organization Name
          + Website
          + CMS Used
          + Organization Email
          + City
          + Country
          + State/Province
          - Number of Employees
          - Annual Budget (USD)
          - Organization Category
          - Other Category
          + CiviCRM Components
          - How are you using CiviCRM
          - Publish your responses
          - About you
          -   First Name
          -   Last Name
          -   Email
          - What is your relationship to this site?
          - Service provider name
          -   Organization Name
          -   Website
          Joe Murray added a comment -

          I'd suggest showing the additional '-' fields if the checkbox is enabled, and not if is disabled.

          Allen Shaw added a comment -

          Josh Gowans Can you comment on the current relevance of this old ticket?

          Josh Gowans added a comment -

          This is still on our wish list. After reviewing the fields marked "-", I would say that while valuable, we currently take very little action on any of these fields. The only one that I'd like to see is the "stage", i.e. is the user "using" or "evaluating" CiviCRM. These represent two different segments wrt to mar/comm. Enabling registration via this fashion and capturing those marked "+" would be a big step forward in improving our overall data.


            • Assignee:
              Allen Shaw
              Nicolas Ganivet


              • Created: