CRM-18477 No Group ID column on Manage Groups


    • Type: Bug
    • Status: Open
    • Priority: Trivial
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • Affects Version/s: 4.6.15, 4.7.6
    • Fix Version/s: Unscheduled
    • Component/s: Core CiviCRM
    • Labels:
    • Versioning Impact:
      Patch (backwards-compatible bug fixes)
    • Documentation Required?:
      User and Admin Doc
    • Funding Source:
      Needs Funding


      There used to be a column on Contacts -> Manage Groups that displayed the Group ID number.

      The column is no longer there (I checked in 4.6.14 and 4.7.3), and I cannot find any other way for users to identify the GID apart from spotting "gid=" in the URL when they look at the list of Contacts for that Group.

      The documentation still refers to the missing Group ID column:

      Rather than just updating the doco to tell users to spot "gid=" in the URL, it would be helpful to display the Group ID column in Manage Groups, or to display it on the Group's Settings and update the doco to match. Or something else that makes it easy for users to find the Group ID for use in tokens etc.



          [CRM-18477] No Group ID column on Manage Groups
          Michael McAndrew added a comment -

          Since you aren't actually advocating a documentation update, I've re-assigned this as 'core civicrm'

          Coleman Watts added a comment -

          I'm kicking it back to documentation because the change was intentional. The ID column was confusing to many users and not terribly useful. It's been replaced by a column counting the # of contacts in the group (which a lot of users mistakenly thought was what the id column was showing). IMO anyone advanced enough to actually need the group id should be advanced enough to find out from the url.

          Agileware added a comment - - edited

          Here's an example of the problems users face by not being able to find out the GID easily:
          User wants to send an email to all Contacts inviting them to join a new Group.
          She looks up the token documentation which tells her that she can send a mailing with the token


          to give them a link to add themselves to the new Group. Easy enough to do by Googling.
          But when she looks up the documentation to find out what the GID is, she either gets incorrect information (the current situation), or no information (what will happen if we just remove the incorrect advice in the documentation).
          Users are advanced enough to Google what's in the documentation, but they can't find things that aren't there. If we're going to tell users to use the GID, we need to also tell them how to find the GID.

          If the GID column was confusing, how about displaying the GID on the Group's Settings? It's a logical place to look for it.
          (edited to add: the Manage Events listing includes the Event ID number in brackets after the Event title - could we just do the same on the Manage Groups listing?)

          Michael McAndrew added a comment -

          Moving it back to core for now, since what Agileware is describing is not a documentation issue.

          Michael McAndrew added a comment -

          Agileware have discussed with coleman. since this is a non critical bug and there is a work around, we'd be relying on a community contribution (or funding) to get it in core. Let me know if you're able to help out. Else we'll re-assign it as documentation and document the work around.


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