Installation Details
WordPress 4.7.3
CiviCRM 4.7.17
CiviVolunteer 4.6-2.2.1
Angular Profiles 4.6-1.0.2
SparkPost 1.1 (verified working, bug happens with sendmail() as well)
Problem Description
I have a CiviEvent set up with a schedule reminder. The variables in the email template are:
- {event.title}
- {contact.display_name}
- {event.title}
- {event.start_date}
- {event.summary}
- {event.description}
- {event.info_url}
When the cron job runs, the email is not sent and I get this error in the scheduled jobs log and no emails are sent:
Entity: Job Action: send_reminder
Finished execution of Send Scheduled Reminders with result: Failure, Error message: Cannot build query. Variable "@selectedValues" is unknown.
DetailsParameters parsed (and passed to API method):
a:1:{s:7:"version";i:3;}Full message:
Finished execution of Send Scheduled Reminders with result: Failure, Error message: Cannot build query. Variable "@selectedValues" is unknown.
I've tried a number of things to debug this, including turning off WordPress plugins in batches, turning off all Civi extensions.