Status: Done/Fixed
Resolution: Fixed/Completed
Affects Version/s: 2.0
Fix Version/s: 2.1
Component/s: CiviContribute
Merged "Record Offiline Contribution" and "Submit Credit card" forms.
- Add another dojo tab "Credit Card Information". It will have cc block and billing address block. You should build this tab based on same logic that is used for showing "Submit Credit Card" link
New and Edit Contribution Forms - Move Transaction ID field out of Additional Information fieldset and into main part of the form
As pointed out on the forum post below, many users recording "offline" contributions will want to record a check #. Currently, the Transaction ID field is hidden in the Additional Information (collapsed) fieldset.
Move the Transaction ID field into the main fieldset - to the right of the "Paid By" field in the New / Edit Contribution form
NOTE: Remember that this field is NOT exposed for editing in Offline.php (/civicrm/contribute/offline?reset=1&cid=103) - since this form is used for submitting credit card transactions. We automatically populate that field with data from the payment processor.
Temporarily assiging all back-office payment-related form changes to lobo for re-factor evaluation.