Recreated this on both and on my local 4.1 install.
The postProcess for the online registration tab of Manage Events (CRM_Event_Form_ManageEvent_Registration) is IGNORING the posted form values for thankyou_title and thankyou_text, and instead is grabbing civicrm_tell_friend.thankyou_title and thankyou_text and writing those values to the corresponding columns in civicrm_event table.
To recreate:
- create a new event
- add a thank you title and text in Online Registration tab form
- now go to Tell a Friend form and modify the default text and save it
- now go back to online registration tab, and slightly modify your thankyou title. Save.
- Check civicrm_event.thankyou_title / thankyou_text in the DB and you'll see it's been updated to the value you set for Tell a Friend
I'd like to set proper values for my new CiviCon 2012 event - so please update once you've got this fixed