CRM-9347 'Spouse of' export only works one way


    • Type: Bug
    • Status: Done/Fixed
    • Priority: Minor
    • Resolution: Won't Fix
    • Affects Version/s: 3.4.0, 3.4.1, 3.4.2, 3.4.3, 3.4.4, 3.4.5, 3.4.6, 3.4.7, 4.0.0, 4.0.1, 4.0.2, 4.0.3, 4.0.4, 4.0.5, 4.0.6, 4.0.7
    • Fix Version/s: Unscheduled
    • Component/s: Core CiviCRM
    • Labels:
    • Versioning Impact:
      Patch (backwards-compatible bug fixes)
    • Documentation Required?:
    • Funding Source:
      Needs Funding


      If I export people and select the 'spouse of' field to show (including name of spouse, for example), the export will only show this relationship for one half of a couple eg an export of Bill & Betty Smith including that field will show Bill as Betty's spouse, but not Betty as Bill's. I wasn't able to test this on the demo as it's not allowing me to specify particular fields for export at the moment but someone else reported this an an issue at,21106.msg88468.html#msg88468 so it is happening to others too.



          [CRM-9347] 'Spouse of' export only works one way
          Ian Macdonald added a comment -

          Hi, this bug is a real problem for one of my clients. Related contact information can only be exported if the search is looking for 'contact a' in the relationship, then details of 'contact b' can be included in the export. But the lack of ability to do the opposite is a real drawback, which is requiring us to create lots of extra custom searches. I'd be interested in working on fixing this, but I'd need some pointers to know where to start. Thanks, Ian.

          Lindsey Mansfield added a comment -

          Ian - I've re-started this conversation on the forum at,25685.0.html to try to get you some starter points on fixing it. Lindsey

          shawn holt added a comment -

          FYI - this is unresolved on v. 4.6.4 - will only show one spouse when exporting.

          Eileen McNaughton added a comment -

          I'm closing this out based on the age of the issue & lack of love - please re-open if you wish to commit resources to it


            • Assignee:
              Lindsey Mansfield


              • Created: