Inject some JS/jQuery on the "View Contact" screen to show Length of Employment field using for a helper which will generate those strings
Currently, there is a field for "Initial Join Date" . We also want to display the length of employment in the same spot. It should display as either the #months or as a natural-language description ("3 weeks", "2 months", etc – see for a helper which generate those strings)
== Option A ==
- Add a custom data field, "Length of Employment", to the same custom-data group
- The field should not be editable in the UI
- The field should update automatically (using a trigger or hook – whenever the join-date changes)
- The field should update periodically (using a cron task)
== Option B ==
- Inject some JS/jQuery on the "View Contact" screen
== Tradeoff ==
Option A is more brittle (eg fails due to misconfigured cron task), but it creates a searchable field. Option B doesn't support searching but should be less prone to misconfiguration.