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CiviCRM JIRA issue archive (HR project)

  • HR-3 hrcase: Create module with CiviCase types
  • HR-4 TBD : CiviHR - Entity - Individual Name
  • HR-5 Support team-oriented permissions
  • HR-6 CiviHR - Cross-Cutting - Tooltips / Help
  • HR-7 Allow administrators to define help & tooltips in UI
  • HR-8 Add static help text to CiviHR UIs
  • HR-9 CiviHR - Cross-Cutting - Permissions
  • HR-10 CiviHR - Cross-Cutting - Logging
  • HR-11 CiviHR - App UI - User Interface
  • HR-12 CiviHR - Cross-Cutting - Export CSV/Excel
  • HR-13 CiviHR - App UI - Dashboard
  • HR-14 CiviHR - Entity - New Hires / Probation / Termination
  • HR-14 CiviHR - Entity - New Hires / Probation / Termination
  • HR-15 CiviHR - Entity - Bank Details
  • HR-16 CiviHR - Entity - Immigration / Visas
  • HR-17 CiviHR - Cross-Cutting - Evidence
  • HR-18 CiviHR - Cross-Cutting - Sample dataset
  • HR-19 CiviHR - Entity - Identification
  • HR-20 CiviHR - Entity - Job Positions & Roles
  • HR-21 CiviHR - Cross-Cutting - Search
  • HR-22 CiviHR - Entity - Emergency Contacts
  • HR-23 CiviHR - Cross-Cutting - Dev Hosting
  • HR-24 CiviHR - Entity - Qualifications
  • HR-25 CiviHR - Cross-Cutting - Installation
  • HR-26 CiviHR - Entity - Medical & Disability
  • HR-27 CiviHR - Entity - Career History
  • HR-28 CiviHR - App UI - Staff Directory
  • HR-29 CiviHR - App UI - Reports
  • HR-30 CiviHR Project Planning
  • HR-31 Separate permissions for each major CiviHR entity
  • HR-32 hrjob: Define permission for accessing "Jobs"
  • HR-33 Improve layout of revision-history for multi-row CustomGroups
  • HR-34 CiviHR - Sort tabs on "Contact" screen
  • HR-35 hrui: Toggle tabs on installation
  • HR-36 hrui: Hide normal "Employer/Job title" fields
  • HR-37 hrui: Toggle components on installation
  • HR-38 Render (several) CiviHR tabs as tables using tabular profile forms
  • HR-39 hrdemog: Add "Extended Demographics" extension
  • HR-40 CiviHR: Test new UIs in Internet Explorer
  • HR-41 hrui: Disable "Household" contact type
  • HR-42 hrui: Change breadcrumb from "CiviCRM" to "CiviHR"
  • HR-43 hrui: Disable CiviMail by default
  • HR-44 hrui: Rename "Contact Details" to "Personal Details"
  • HR-45 hrdemog: s/Ethinicity/Ethnicity/
  • HR-46 hrui: Change "Nickname" to "Preferred Name"
  • HR-47 hrdemog: Add Marital Status
  • HR-48 Create wireframe of UI for CiviHR workflow
  • HR-48 Create wireframe of UI for CiviHR workflow
  • HR-49 Create banking details prototype
  • HR-50 hrbank: Create extension based on banking-details
  • HR-51 hrvisa: override custom-data group "Immigration" to display as table using profile form
  • HR-52 Add checkbox, "Is Visa Required", to "Immigration" tab
  • HR-53 Add evidence based on simple custom-data
  • HR-54 Mockups for "Job" tab
  • HR-55 Create data model for Job Position, etal
  • HR-56 Create HTML prototype of "Job Position" UI
  • HR-57 Make HTML prototype of job UI functional
  • HR-58 Display revision history for each item under "Job"
  • HR-59 Implement "Duplicate" feature for Jobs
  • HR-60 Create webtests for adding/editing job positions
  • HR-61 Run api_v3_SyntaxConformanceAllEntitiesTest with hrjob API's
  • HR-62 Add hrjob entities to api_v3_HRJobTest::testCreateChained
  • HR-63 Mark is_primary for HRJob records
  • HR-64 hrsampledata: Generate realistic hrjob.is_primary data
  • HR-65 hrjob: Display/edit dates with jQuery date picker
  • HR-66 hrjob: Re-save produces blocking error, "X is not a valid amount"
  • HR-67 hrjob: crmContactFields no longer display
  • HR-68 hrjob: Differentiate employer/employee contributions
  • HR-69 hrjob: Add notice period fields
  • HR-70 hrjob: Display read-only job summaries
  • HR-71 hrjob: Indicate expired jobs in red
  • HR-72 hrjob: Add "Department" field
  • HR-73 hrjob: Pension enrollment field misbehaves
  • HR-74 hrjob: Fix failing webtest
  • HR-75 hrjob: Add "Initial Join Date" and "Final Termination Date"
  • HR-76 hrjob: automatically update the "Job Title"
  • HR-77 hrjob: Format localized currencies in the summary
  • HR-78 CiviHR: Flag various custom-data fields as searcable (as appropriate)
  • HR-79 Display job columns in search results (Adv search / Profile Listing)
  • HR-80 Make email addresses clickable in search results
  • HR-81 Implement "Job" search (for "Search Builder")
  • HR-82 Implement "Job" search (for "Advanced Search")
  • HR-83 Implement test for "Job" search (for Advanced Search)
  • HR-84 hremerg: Hack "Relationships" to be "Emergency Contacts"
  • HR-85 hrui: Disable unnecessary relationship types
  • HR-86 hremerg: Optimize UX for adding relationship/contact
  • HR-87 Setup new CiviHR demo site based on extensions
  • HR-88 Create CiviHR repo with skeletal extensions
  • HR-89 civihr-auto: Consistently use "Seven" theme
  • HR-90 Setup CiviHR test job in Jenkins
  • HR-91 civihr-auto: Build is broken
  • HR-92 Support hierarchical qualifications
  • HR-93 Add OptionValues for qualifications (in-place)
  • HR-94 hrqual: Add "Date Attained" field
  • HR-95 hrqual: hide/display fields based on "Certification Acquired"
  • HR-96 Move the volatile instructions of to an installation script
  • HR-97 Test installation of CiviHR on Joomla and WordPress
  • HR-98 hrcareer: extension needs a profile form / tab just like hrvisa
  • HR-99 hrcareer: create extension
  • HR-100 hrcareer: End date should not be mandatory
  • HR-101 hrcareer: Data model specifies year-month, but UI handles year-month-day
  • HR-102 Create hrdir extension with basic columns
  • HR-103 Update hrdir to display job columns
  • HR-104 Make the display-name clickable on staff directory
  • HR-105 Allow searching on job fields (eg department) in profile listings
  • HR-106 hrdir: Add search options for first_name and work-country to staff directory
  • HR-107 hrstaffdir: Hyperlinks disappear when searching
  • HR-108 hrstaffdir: Display staff pictures
  • HR-109 hrstaffdir: Email, phone, location, and department appear blank
  • HR-110 hrstaffdir: Display Primary IM & Website
  • HR-111 On Removal of CiviHR modules menu item "Directory" not automatically removed
  • HR-112 Create CiviHR Report Template for non-job fields
  • HR-113 Add job fields / metrics to CiviHR report template
  • HR-114 hrui: Disable unnecessary reports
  • HR-115 hrreport: Rename "CiviHR *" reports
  • HR-116 Write phpunit tests for reports shipped by hrreport extension
  • HR-117 hrreport: Display options should match group options
  • HR-118 hrreport: Visually distinguish statistic options
  • HR-119 hrreport: Improve UX for toggling group-by options
  • HR-120 hrreport: Tests should run in Jenkins
  • HR-121 Webtest for hrstaffdir
  • HR-122 Webtest for hrcareer
  • HR-123 Webtest for hrident
  • HR-124 Webtest for hrmed
  • HR-125 Webtest for hrqual
  • HR-126 Webtest for hrvisa
  • HR-127 Webtest for hrbank
  • HR-128 Webtest for hrjob
  • HR-129 One of the values for the type of Pension will need to be "Opted out" (with evidence attached).
  • HR-130 Add an extra field to Funding so that an Organisation can be linked to the job being funded?
  • HR-131 Add a currency field to the "Pay" screen of the "Job" tab
  • HR-132 Personal tab - Display IM records as clickable links to the relevant IM client
  • HR-133 Change "Career" tab name to "Career History"
  • HR-134 Change title of "Directory" page from "Staff Directory" to "Directory"
  • HR-170 hrstaffdir: "Country" is incorrectly tied to "Birth Date"
  • HR-170 hrstaffdir: "Country" is incorrectly tied to "Birth Date"
  • HR-171 Add Option group's edit link in the nvaigation bar
  • HR-172 Add currency field to HR report
  • HR-173 hrreport: Gender-related errors
  • HR-174 Update Jenkins test for new branches
  • HR-175 Regression in WebTest_HRJob_HRJobAddEditTest.testJobCreateEdit
  • HR-176 External ID - this field needs to be included below the CiviHR ID field
  • HR-177 Emergency Contact Type - Please remove all values other than "Emergency Contact Is"
  • HR-179 Hide Communication Preferences
  • HR-180 Remove "Time Period" sub-heading
  • HR-181 Move Funding to its own screen
  • HR-182 TBD: People Icons
  • HR-183 Dropdown list for "Department" field
  • HR-184 Job History
  • HR-185 Add upgrade from 1.0 to 1.1 for new pay_currency field
  • HR-186 Consolidate HR test jobs by type
  • HR-187 hrjob: Use standard CiviCRM button styles
  • HR-188 Setup stable demo site for CiviHR
  • HR-189 Please re-order the tabs so that Personal Details is the first tab ahead of Jobs
  • HR-190 Add custom field to HR's data model but disable by default.
  • HR-191 Add dropdown field for pension type
  • HR-192 Change label from “ContractType: Title” to “Title [Contract Type]”
  • HR-193 Implement a hook so that extensions can define “remindable” objects.
  • HR-194 Manage option-values in-place (for Job screen)
  • HR-195 Remove the "Is Visa Required" checkbox from the Immigration tab
  • HR-196 Change field name "Reference Supplied" to "Reference Supplied By"
  • HR-197 Change label of Job navigation tree from "Healthcare" to "Insurance"
  • HR-198 Add absolute "Employee Contribution" to the Pension screen
  • HR-199 Change CiviCase keywords
  • HR-200 Notification for "Is Visa Required"
  • HR-201 Add submenu for "New Case"
  • HR-202 Case type: Exiting
  • HR-203 Case type: Joining
  • HR-204 [TBD] Differentiate contracted vs provisional vs actual dates for start/end
  • HR-207 TBD : Remove job titles/parent nodes from tree
  • HR-208 Case type: Probation
  • HR-209 Hide the "Medium" field
  • HR-211 Represent health/life insurance as organizations
  • HR-212 Implement activity pipeline for joining
  • HR-213 Edit Case Activity - Update date/time when completing activity
  • HR-214 Add a field to the Personal Details tab called "Yammer ID"
  • HR-215 Breadcrumbs are partially hidden by the top navigation bar
  • HR-215 Breadcrumbs are partially hidden by the top navigation bar
  • HR-216 HR cost reports should adjust based on pay-unit
  • HR-217 AJAX filtering for profile listings
  • HR-217 AJAX filtering for profile listings
  • HR-218 Revise prose for CiviCase notifications
  • HR-219 TBD: Set default dashlets in CiviHR
  • HR-220 Importing for CiviHR
  • HR-221 Display OptionValue edit screen in a dialog
  • HR-222 hrcases: Disable default CiviCase types
  • HR-223 Import HR Jobs
  • HR-224 Implement absence data model
  • HR-225 Generate random absence data
  • HR-226 Implement employee-absence widget
  • HR-227 Implement absence-request screen
  • HR-228 Implement absence listing report
  • HR-229 Implement absence-calendar report
  • HR-230 Implement "New Absence" submenu
  • HR-231 Implement absence "Reports" menu item
  • HR-232 TBD: CRUD UI for AbsenceEntitlement
  • HR-233 CRUD UI for AbsencePeriod
  • HR-234 CRUD UI for AbsenceType
  • HR-235 Import multi-value custom data
  • HR-236 Change the filter widgets from single-selects to checkbox multi-selects
  • HR-237 Add styling to absence-request layout
  • HR-238 Load real data in absence-request widget
  • HR-239 Implement ListView which displays the first tab
  • HR-240 Implement CalendarView which displays the second tab
  • HR-241 Implement StatisticsView which displays the third tab.
  • HR-242 Implement "New Absence" dropdown
  • HR-243 Embed in standalone "My Absences" page (/civicrm/absences")
  • HR-244 Embed in "View Contact" page (as tab)
  • HR-245 Implement skeleton page
  • HR-246 Implement redirect
  • HR-247 Implement view mode
  • HR-248 Implement edit mode
  • HR-249 Implement create mode (for current user)
  • HR-250 Implement create mode (for other users)
  • HR-251 Implement absence reporting
  • HR-252 Absence activity types should not appear for creation by standard means
  • HR-253 Activity.get API - Filter by target_contact_id
  • HR-254 Handle Upgrades for absence
  • HR-255 Example absences should be randomly distributed through the year
  • HR-256 StatisticsView should always display entitlements
  • HR-257 Implement EntitlementView for employee-absences widget
  • HR-258 Implement EntitlementView placeholder
  • HR-259 Implement "Annual Entitlements" in the EntitlementView
  • HR-260 Implement "Contract Entitlements" in the EntitlementView
  • HR-261 Limit permission to edit entitlements
  • HR-262 Add "National Insurance #" as identification type
  • HR-263 Set join/leave dates manually
  • HR-264 Add "length of employment" field
  • HR-265 Staff directory lists duplicate entries
  • HR-266 Auto-create initial HRAbsencePeriod
  • HR-267 Migrate leave-types from OptionGroup to HRAbsenceType
  • HR-268 Activity.getAbsences API should use period_id based on absence-dates
  • HR-269 Display day-of-week in list of absence dates
  • HR-270 Display public holidays in list of absence dates
  • HR-271 Absence-request screen shows weird vertical bar
  • HR-272 Display "Employee" as hyperlink (if user has permission)
  • HR-273 Dynamically select view or edit mode
  • HR-274 Page title should be "Absence for @name (@type, @status)"
  • HR-275 Generated absence periods should be (now-3 => now)
  • HR-276 Remove menu item "Absences => Manage Entitlements"
  • HR-277 "New Absence" menu items should include &cid=0
  • HR-278 Public Holiday CRUD
  • HR-279 Refine "Employee Absence Widget"
  • HR-280 For new absences, pass "cid=XXX"
  • HR-281 In "View Contact => Absences", dropdowns use inconsistent fonts
  • HR-282 "Absences" tab always appears passive
  • HR-283 "Absences" should show list by default
  • HR-284 Recruitment - Data Model
  • HR-285 Regular user not able to search his own name on absence create page
  • HR-286 TBD: Pay reports should only include active jobs (by default)
  • HR-287 HRJob settings apply inconsistently
  • HR-288 CiviCase Pipeline View
  • HR-289 Add "allowed case status" filter
  • HR-290 Function to get count of cases by status
  • HR-291 "Comparison View"
  • HR-292 "Profile View"
  • HR-293 Top Tabs
  • HR-294 New Vacancy Form
  • HR-295 Find Vacancies
  • HR-296 Public Listing of Vacancies
  • HR-297 Vacancy Dashboard
  • HR-298 Recruitment Pipeline
  • HR-299 Calendar Report should exclude Cancelled/Rejected Absences
  • HR-300 Add Menu structure for Vacancy
  • HR-301 Upgrade HR 1.3 for compatability with Civi 4.5
  • HR-302 Absence Request - Code Review
  • HR-303 Native table(s) of corresponding extension doesn't DROP on uninstall and enable/disable/uninstall hooks are not handled
  • HR-304 Fix Absence related bugs
  • HR-305 Implement inline editing for Entitlement Tab
  • HR-306 Add custom data to Absence Type.
  • HR-307 HR Manager should be able to request and approve all at once
  • HR-308 Fix erroneous behavior on Edit Absence records
  • HR-309 Fix redirection on Cancel button on Absence Request Form
  • HR-310 Create case activity in popup
  • HR-311 Fix Import Job notices
  • HR-312 Fix Client links in case-activity popup
  • HR-313 Split case activity datatable tpl into separate file
  • HR-314 Application Form
  • HR-315 Side Tabs
  • HR-316 Extend "Evaluation" activity type
  • HR-317 Add support for case in Profile
  • HR-318 'Apply Now' form
  • HR-319 HRSampleData bug fixes
  • HR-320 Add action-buttons to profile view
  • HR-321 Simplify case-activity forms and add case_status as a url param
  • HR-322 Change display of "vacancy" custom field to select
  • HR-324 Figure out what to do about Assignments vs Applications
  • HR-325 Recent activities view
  • HR-326 Fetch open applications
  • HR-327 Vacancy dashboard page
  • HR-328 Style vacancy dashboard page with css
  • HR-329 Fix datatable DOM collision
  • HR-330 Duplicate case status
  • HR-331 Case Pipeline tab doesn't show up for single stage vacancy
  • HR-332 CRUD for Vacancy
  • HR-333 Edit vacancy should not show "from template" selector
  • HR-334 Entitlements are not saved properly
  • HR-335 Absence fixes
  • HR-336 Vacancy Permissions
  • HR-337 Checkbox -style selection
  • HR-338 Support multiple cases when creating activity
  • HR-339 Pre-populate "email" activity with case contact(s)
  • HR-340 Make Vacancy sample data more realistic
  • HR-341 Update cj references
  • HR-342 Error when cancel button pressed on "new assignment"
  • HR-343 Links from vacancy dashboard should go to correct pipeline tab
  • HR-344 Apply Now form doesn't respect cid
  • HR-345 Application Form in New Vacancy seems to be broken
  • HR-346 Default Vacancy permissions prevent the author from seeing their newly created vacancy
  • HR-347 Rearrange fields in Job Position screen
  • HR-348 Create ability to record additional monetary benefits or pay components in a generic table
  • HR-349 Add fields to popup in Add Emergency Contacts and display them
  • HR-350 Only currently working individuals should get listed in the Directory
  • HR-351 Auto-populate Subject in Create New Assignment
  • HR-352 Remove default contact sub-types
  • HR-353 Auto-fill Preferred name with First Name
  • HR-354 Length of Employment in Personal Details tab
  • HR-355 Display a Government ID on the Personal Details tab
  • HR-356 Change all reference to cases and clients in Assignments
  • HR-357 Set Standard Timelines for default assignment types (Joining, Exiting, Probation and Appraisals)
  • HR-358 Add New Individual Screen - fields to be modified
  • HR-359 Selective approval for leave requests
  • HR-360 Calendar view must show months in descending order
  • HR-361 Address error messages
  • HR-362 Remove one month restriction on Leave requests
  • HR-363 Display default dashlets
  • HR-364 Edit screen for Application form under Add New Vacancy does not load
  • HR-365 Simplify evaluation popup
  • HR-366 Provide additional fields for default online job application form
  • HR-367 Add help text to permissions for new Vacancies
  • HR-368 Make job application and evaluation fields available for search and sort
  • HR-369 Create sorting, searching, comparison screen for recruitments
  • HR-370 Difficult to distinguish between data entry and view screens in Job Positions
  • HR-371 Content for demo screens to be changed
  • HR-372 Evaluation screen doesn't look like the mock up
  • HR-373 Comment screen should just 2 fields subject and details
  • HR-374 UI Tweaks extension does irreversible damage
  • HR-375 Bugs on adding a new vacancy
  • HR-376 Custom fields of type Application not shown on New Vacancy form
  • HR-377 Test coverage for recruitment extension
  • HR-378 Bug in counting current employees
  • HR-379 Improvements to import functionality
  • HR-380 3. Custom fields added in Edit Application Form are not appearing in Advanced Search and Find Assignments.
  • HR-381 Autopopulate Assigned To in Evaluation form
  • HR-382 Create Applicant Evaluation form as an online page that Assignee can fill without accessing CiviHR
  • HR-383 Evaluation does not get listed as an activity in Assignee's activity tab
  • HR-384 Create built-in report to list current employees
  • HR-385 Simplify process of adding an evaluation criteria in new vacancy
  • HR-386 Simplify process to add application form criteria
  • HR-387 Unable to create & Screen freezes on saving a new job - DB error
  • HR-388 Length of employment still appearing more than once on Personal Details Tab
  • HR-389 Screen freezes on saving a new job - DB Error
  • HR-390 Support Export functionality for CiviHR entities
  • HR-391 Support Import functionality for leaves
  • HR-392 Support import functionality for Assignments
  • HR-393 General screen changes
  • HR-394 Roles screen changes
  • HR-395 Funding changes
  • HR-396 Hours screen changes
  • HR-397 Pay screen changes
  • HR-398 Leave screen changes
  • HR-399 Unable to access Assignments through the Assignments Dashboard
  • HR-400 User can choose between Ascending/Descending view in Leave and Absences
  • HR-401 Changes to Edit Evaluation and Application popups
  • HR-402 Notice fixes
  • HR-403 Collapse Extended Demographics in Personal Details tab
  • HR-404 Clicking organization sub-types opens CiviHR Dashboard
  • HR-405 Corrections in emergency contacts popup and display
  • HR-406 Add fields to New Emergency contact popup
  • HR-407 HR manager displayed as Emergency contact whenever an assignment is added
  • HR-408 Permission error when installing civiHR extensions on joomla