Status: Done/Fixed
Resolution: Won't Do
Affects Version/s: HR-1.4
Fix Version/s: HR-1.4
Component/s: User Interface Veneer
1. Source field in Add New Contact (Individual, Organization' form): Insert help text to say "Source is a useful field where data has been migrated to CiviHR from one or a number of other legacy systems. The Source field will indicate which legacy system the contact has come from."
2. Move the position of the Job Summary section so that it appears at the top of the Personal Details screen on the left side.
3. Make Main Phone and Main Mobile available on the screen by default.
4. Hide 'On Hold', 'Bulk Mailings', Signature data entry fields by default.
5. Remove the section 'Constituent Information'
6. Move Demographics above Extended Demographics.
7. It should be possible to hide any field in Extended Demographics section independently (eg nationality, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, marital status) if the non-profit does not need to track that data. Add the value 'Prefer Not to Say' to ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, marital status option groups.
8. Remove all default tags.