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CiviCRM JIRA issue archive (CiviVolunteer project)

  • VOL-1 User Dashboard Assigned Activities should also show activities with Available status
  • VOL-2 CiviVolunteer Phase 1
  • VOL-3 Create git repository for CiviVolunteer
  • VOL-4 Create base extension structure, schema and meta-data
  • VOL-5 Create Volunteer Sign-Up Form
  • VOL-6 Log Volunteer Hours
  • VOL-7 Manage Volunteer Assignments
  • VOL-8 Write a hook for adding new tab for Events
  • VOL-9 Create Manage Volunteers tab
  • VOL-10 Create sample data for CiviVolunteer development
  • VOL-11 Specify Volunteer Needs Form
  • VOL-12 Volunteer Sign-Up Form
  • VOL-13 Reports
  • VOL-14 Need BAOs
  • VOL-15 Project BAOs
  • VOL-16 Log Own Hours UI
  • VOL-17 Log Volunteer Hours - assign added contacts to flexible need and save role to activity
  • VOL-18 Joomla: Add CiviVolunteer: register to volunteer permission during extension install
  • VOL-19 WordPress: Add CiviVolunteer: register to volunteer permission during extension install
  • VOL-20 Display Log Hours in Popup
  • VOL-21 Enabled indicator in events selector and tabs not working properly
  • VOL-22 Fix option value for adding and editing volunteer roles to it hides unneeded properties
  • VOL-23 Activity date is being set to NOW instead of to Need date in some cases
  • VOL-24 Edit volunteer activity - the Need field in the CiviVolunteer custom data should be a dropdown
  • VOL-25 Link to Manage Events in post-install help is empty
  • VOL-26 Install script has hard-coded IP in the volunteer report instance header and footer
  • VOL-27 Date/Time in the manage volunters needs work only in english
  • VOL-28 Install and upgrade should handle case where Available and No-show activity statuses already exist
  • VOL-29 "Completed" Volunteer Needs should not disappear from the UI
  • VOL-30 For Joomla users, public signup form is not public
  • VOL-31 Add actions menu to move/copy/delete volunteer
  • VOL-32 Check resource url to avoid JS errors
  • VOL-33 Add time to volunteer report
  • VOL-34 Log Hours Required Fields are not flagged
  • VOL-35 Limit of 9 entires in the log volunteer hours pane
  • VOL-36 Upgrade CiviVolunteer for compatability with Civi 4.5
  • VOL-37 Clone CiviVolunteer Setup along with Event Template
  • VOL-38 Define Vol-Needs Row Limit
  • VOL-39 Filter Shifts in the assign volunteer area
  • VOL-40 CiviVolunteer Phase 2
  • VOL-41 Decide version of CiviCRM to target
  • VOL-42 Volunteer commendation
  • VOL-43 Allow different custom fields for different volunteer sign-up forms
  • VOL-44 Add form to express interest in volunteering
  • VOL-45 Update translation functions to specify domain
  • VOL-46 Install permission error on joomla 3.3.0/civi 4.4.5 - see image
  • VOL-47 Wording fix required
  • VOL-48 Enabling volunteer management Save/Save & Done doesn't save
  • VOL-49 JavaScript files from extension are not handled properly by Drupal optimization
  • VOL-50 Your extension resource url is not configured correctly.
  • VOL-51 Add interface to allow users to search for volunteers
  • VOL-52 Public Volunteer Commendation
  • VOL-53 New Multi-Form Entity
  • VOL-54 Sign-Up Form Profile Chooser
  • VOL-55 Create Volunteer Interest Fields (on a new contact-sub-type)
  • VOL-56 Volunteer Interest Profile
  • VOL-57 Skill Self-Assessment Widget
  • VOL-58 Refactor hardcoded profile to use new entity_form
  • VOL-59 Declare dependency on com.ginkgostreet.multiform
  • VOL-60 Update description of extension on the extensions directory.
  • VOL-61 Decouple Projects from CiviEvent
  • VOL-62 Vol. Sign-up Approval Workflow
  • VOL-63 Ensure volunteering prerequisites on sign up
  • VOL-64 Validate prerequisites on assignment UI
  • VOL-65 Role prerequisites
  • VOL-66 Notify volunteers of shift assignment
  • VOL-67 Allow volunteer admins to save a draft schedule
  • VOL-68 Log Hours UI is inconsistent wrt support for date/time localization
  • VOL-69 Log Hours UI does not display role or start date for ad hoc activities
  • VOL-70 Installation fails in multi-language installations
  • VOL-71 Handle Joomla's permissions issues gracefully
  • VOL-72 CiviVolunteer and Email templates
  • VOL-73 Shifts Missing from Public Sign-Up Form
  • VOL-74 Option to Disable/Hide Event Registration Link
  • VOL-75 In-App guidance to a Shift Report
  • VOL-76 Gantt Chart Style display of Schedule
  • VOL-77 CiviCase Integration (or more Relationship functionality?)
  • VOL-78 Location Designation for a Need
  • VOL-79 Reformat Minutes in Activity Duration
  • VOL-80 Improve Communication with Volunteers
  • VOL-81 Volunteer Sign-Up Confirmation Email
  • VOL-82 Manage Automated Messages to Volunteers
  • VOL-83 Notify Volunteers of Shift Assignment
  • VOL-84 Scheduled Reminders Integration
  • VOL-85 Enable Volunteer Management fails in WordPress
  • VOL-86 On a fresh install in CiviCRM 4.5, caches must be cleared manually before CiviVolunteer menu is built
  • VOL-87 Incorporate Recurring Functionality to Handle Regular Volunteers
  • VOL-88 deleted contacted in error
  • VOL-89 assignment errors if beneficiary org not set
  • VOL-90 Ensure UF Join for Volunteer Sign-up in Upgrade
  • VOL-91 Remove dependency checks for MultiForm
  • VOL-92 Refactor form handling for contact search to improve extensibility
  • VOL-93 CiviVol is broken on demo site
  • VOL-94 Volunteer search form breaks if custom radio is of type boolean
  • VOL-95 Manage Projects Form
  • VOL-96 Edit Project Settings Form
  • VOL-97 Add to Schema and Create BAO/API for Projects
  • VOL-98 Track projects with Campaigns
  • VOL-99 Business Logic for Managing and Implementing Campaign Integration
  • VOL-100 Add to the list of available volunteers by campaign-group.
  • VOL-101 Integrate Campaign filters and aggregation into Volunteer Report(s)
  • VOL-102 Allow Sub-Projects
  • VOL-103 Update Project Table constraint on entity_id and entity_type
  • VOL-104 Allow user to select project for events with multiple projects
  • VOL-105 Sub-projects Management: Dashboard or pop-up form
  • VOL-106 CiviReport, CiviVisualize
  • VOL-107 Scalability and Usability
  • VOL-108 Make needs collapsible on Assign UI
  • VOL-109 Scheduled Reminders for Volunteer Managers
  • VOL-110 Wrong icon for buttons on the Volunteer tab
  • VOL-111 Profile manager on the volunteer tab offers only "remove profile" button initially
  • VOL-112 Create new volunteer mailing tokens
  • VOL-113 Profile manager on the volunteer tab excludes any profile containing custom fields which extend the Volunteer contact subtype
  • VOL-114 Public-facing display of all volunteer opportunities and integrated sign-up
  • VOL-115 Build list of volunteer opportunities
  • VOL-116 Make list of volunteer opportunities filterable
  • VOL-117 "Shopping cart" for volunteer sign-up
  • VOL-118 Modify public sign-up form to accommodate multiple projects
  • VOL-119 Printable of list of scheduled volunteers
  • VOL-120 Turning on system logging causes DB errors
  • VOL-121 Unit tests for schema changes
  • VOL-122 Define new permissions around CRUD for volunteer projects
  • VOL-123 For projects not associated with events, activity creation fails
  • VOL-124 Update demo builds with reasonable permissions
  • VOL-125 Create Angular base page for volunteer routes
  • VOL-126 Allow filtering of Volunteer Opportunities by Proximity
  • VOL-127 Default dates on vol opp search form misleading
  • VOL-128 Error in call to VolunteerNeed_get : start_time is not a valid date:
  • VOL-129 Vol opp search form should validate that the second date filter is not before the first
  • VOL-130 Vol opp search form submits even with form validation errors
  • VOL-131 Add friendlier "no results" behavior to vol opp search
  • VOL-132 Role and beneficiary fields on the vol opp search form do not prepopulate from the URL
  • VOL-133 Proximity parameters in vol opp search form don't play well with the URL
  • VOL-134 Vol opp listings table appears to be sortable but is not
  • VOL-135 Beneficiary field in vol opp form could be used to mine contacts from the database
  • VOL-136 Support Yahoo as geocoder for vol opp proximity search
  • VOL-137 Location and beneficiary information are not shown in vol opp search results
  • VOL-138 API Permissions missing
  • VOL-139 Upgrade 1.3 -> 1.4 issue
  • VOL-140 Creating a project via the new Angular UI does not result in the creation of a new flexible need
  • VOL-141 Add support for signing up additional volunteers
  • VOL-142 Support fuzzy dates for needs
  • VOL-143 Move vol opps search logic from the client side to the server side
  • VOL-145 Custom API for Beneficiary Contact Look-up
  • VOL-146 Port JS VolOpps Search Logic to custom API
  • VOL-147 Select2 Population Error
  • VOL-148 None of the address forms have states (vol opp search, create/edit project)
  • VOL-149 Refactor VolOpps Search for easier value setting
  • VOL-150 Manage Project in Event Tab is broken
  • VOL-151 Resolve AngularProfiles Extension Dependency Issue
  • VOL-153 Add events as the associated entity to a project when created in the Events Settings tab
  • VOL-154 Propagate Campaign Tag to Activities Associated with a Project
  • VOL-155 Manage Vols UI - Enforce "edit own projects" permission
  • VOL-156 Consolidate Project APIs
  • VOL-157 Enforce Permissions on Edit Volunteer Project
  • VOL-158 Profile Selector Fallback
  • VOL-159 Manage Volunteer/LocBlock permissions
  • VOL-160 Abstract out Save Project Contacts to API
  • VOL-161 Assign Volunteer Permissions Fail
  • VOL-162 Troubleshoot and correct missing CRM.alert
  • VOL-163 Manage Projects List is filtering incorrectly for Specific Roles
  • VOL-164 Define needs UI chokes for non-admins
  • VOL-165 On volunteer sign-up page, display details of the need(s) the volunteer is signing up for
  • VOL-166 Complete Permissions for volunteer_project_contact::create
  • VOL-167 Handle Default Owner
  • VOL-168 Profile Scope issue on creation and empty
  • VOL-169 Uninstall Process fails
  • VOL-170 Uninstall Process fails
  • VOL-171 Install Process Fails
  • VOL-172 For 'no-show' volunteer duration has to be included.
  • VOL-173 Volunteering hours
  • VOL-174 When creating new projects, users lacking access to view the default contacts for the project relationships can't submit the form
  • VOL-175 Unable to Move or Copy Volunteers between Roles Using Dropdown Menus
  • VOL-176 Volunteer Roster Dialog - Back Button Does Not Work
  • VOL-177 Errors and Loss of UI When Adding New Volunteer Log Hours Entry
  • VOL-178 Replace BAO-level country default for proximity searches with a client-side default
  • VOL-179 Link Associated Entity when an Event
  • VOL-180 Ensure backward compatibility for 1.x signup links
  • VOL-181 Campaign field should be hidden when CiviCampaign is not enabled
  • VOL-182 api.VolunteerNeed.getsearchresult does not respect options.limit
  • VOL-183 Upgrade testing
  • VOL-184 Provide users guidance in making decisions about the time components of their volunteer needs
  • VOL-185 Cannot Create New Volunteer Project in CiviCRM 4.7.0: Individual Profile for Registration Depopulates
  • VOL-186 Log Hours UI hangs when saving a row added via the "Add Volunteer" button
  • VOL-187 Error: "Beneficiary is not a valid integer" when searching by more than one beneficiary
  • VOL-188 Logging volunteer activity assigned incorrect date
  • VOL-189 Remove "Volunteer Now" button from event info page
  • VOL-190 Add URL Param to hide search pane.
  • VOL-191 Bypass shopping cart for single need projects
  • VOL-193 Cannot Create New Volunteer Project in CiviCRM 4.7.6: Undefined index: check_permissions
  • VOL-194 Report incorrectly states durations are in hours
  • VOL-195 Add the assignee contact id to the VolunteerAssignment API
  • VOL-196 API Basic Get ignores entity definition
  • VOL-197 Angular-based screens fail silently
  • VOL-198 Cart Search is silent
  • VOL-199 Completed Signup Form Forwarding Error
  • VOL-200 Allow setting of default values on the Project Settings page
  • VOL-201 Rename "Define Needs" UI to "Volunteer Opportunities"
  • VOL-202 Add Project Relationship Defaults to Defaults UI
  • VOL-203 Allow specification of which Campaigns are visible in Volunteer forms
  • VOL-204 Connect Settings metadata to Defaults form
  • VOL-205 Allowing All Countries Breaks Manage Project UI
  • VOL-206 Improve "Shopping Cart" on Opportunities screen
  • VOL-207 Broken "delete" icon in Define Volunteer Opportunities UI
  • VOL-208 Better handling when instance has no available countries
  • VOL-209 Allow addition of user-controllable help text on Project Settings screen
  • VOL-210 Simplify the buttons on the 'Create Volunteer Project' page
  • VOL-211 Wysiwyg fails on aggregated production systems.
  • VOL-212 Create Project Page needs to select the Volunteer Profile by default.
  • VOL-213 Hide the Relationships section of the Create Project page.
  • VOL-214 Create button to delete a volunteer Project
  • VOL-215 Festival Scheduling
  • VOL-216 Optionally Display Opportunity Location
  • VOL-217 Allow volunteers to have more than one task
  • VOL-218 Clarify instructions
  • VOL-219 Consistent wording (active/enabled)
  • VOL-220 Style sheet for printing
  • VOL-221 Volunteer forms not fitting within Event page.
  • VOL-222 Send each volunteer their schedule
  • VOL-223 Broken Project Contacts UI
  • VOL-224 When updating a project, changing the country field alone isn't enough to cue an update
  • VOL-225 Don't show volunteer opportunities associated with event templates
  • VOL-226 Incomplete Uninstall
  • VOL-227 Link role names on opportunity search page to role description text
  • VOL-228 Your selected volunteer opportunities box covers vital info on narrow displays
  • VOL-230 Buttons on the Volunteer Roster (Call, SMS, Email) should be optional/configurable
  • VOL-231 [Back to Manage Volunteer Projects] button on volunteer roster doesn't do anything.
  • VOL-232 Volunteer Roster should include section for unassigned volunteers
  • VOL-233 Support "virtual" or "remote" volunteer opportunities
  • VOL-235 Individual Contacts Types for Existing Users signing up for volunteer opportunity do not get changed to type VOLUNTEER
  • VOL-236 Can't search for contacts that signed up for specific shifts (time start) - useful for email reminders
  • VOL-237 Installer expects access to CiviVolunteer settings before they are available
  • VOL-238 New Volunteer Project - Project settings not responding to Continue or Save and Done
  • VOL-239 Fatal error using webform - "no such table" - caused by CiviVolunteer?
  • VOL-240 Clean-up Opportunity Search
  • VOL-241 Registration for opportunities shows empty page on Wordpress Frontend
  • VOL-242 CiviVolunteer does not honor $civicrm_setting['Directory Preferences']['extensionsDir']
  • VOL-243 Opportunities page customizations and modification suggestions
  • VOL-244 Volunteer Report should include Beneficiary/Target as an option on the Sorting Tab
  • VOL-245 Logging volunteer hours should not require an entry in all "Actual Duration" fields
  • VOL-246 Cannot register additional volunteers
  • VOL-247 Creating a project with no location gives a fatal error
  • VOL-248 Regression: Custom project relationship fields are not displayed on project create/edit screen
  • VOL-249 Regression: Activity fields added via profile are not processed on volunteer registration
  • VOL-250 Role comment bubble broken on sign up page
  • VOL-251 Unable to add location to project
  • VOL-252 Unable to add location to project
  • VOL-253 Possible to add group to Profile 'Notify me of Volunteer Opportunities'
  • VOL-254 PHP notice on Volunteer Report
  • VOL-262 One volunteer opportunity not displayed on Volunteer Now page
  • VOL-263 Hide "advanced" settings on Create Vol Project Screen
  • VOL-264 Support new extension version storage/access mechanism
  • VOL-265 Cannot Create Volunteer Project From Event Configuration
  • VOL-266 Bug in support for editing system workflow message templates
  • VOL-267 "Select all" checkbox for bulk operations is too greedy
  • VOL-268 Bulk operations fail following project deletion
  • VOL-269 "Flexible" Need is not always created on Project create
  • VOL-270 Create unit tests for VOL-269
  • VOL-271 getlist api functionality for volunteer needs
  • VOL-272 hook_civicrm_volunteer_projectDefaultSettings is not invoked in all contexts concerning default settings
  • VOL-273 Cannot save projects
  • VOL-274 WordPress users report project creation via UI always fails
  • VOL-275 make the project title easily accessible in the get and getlist api for volunteer needs
  • VOL-276 Deprecate api.VolunteerUtil.getbeneficiaries
  • VOL-277 Remove uses of deprecated api.VolunteerUtil.getbeneficiaries
  • VOL-278 Enable Customizing the UF Page Title
  • VOL-279 Assess Widget-izing Angular JS Forms
  • VOL-280 Revisit what default behavior for ProjectContact GetList should be
  • VOL-281 Enable api.VolunteerAssignment.get to filter on assignee.
  • VOL-282 Volunteers can register for filled opportunities
  • VOL-283 Allow removal of entries from the project coordinator's Log Hours UI
  • VOL-284 Use entityRef widgets for activity contact filters on the volunteer report
  • VOL-285 Volunteer Reports Broken
  • VOL-286 Make Assign UI more robust for case of Disabled Role
  • VOL-287 Replace opportunities settings stub with API call
  • VOL-288 Install bug: CiviCRM_API3_Exception: "N is not a valid option for field option_group_id"
  • VOL-289 Log Volunteer Hours form should respect user-configured date formats
  • VOL-290 Volunteer roster should send email from CiviCRM System
  • VOL-291 Allow volunteers to sort/filter by project
  • VOL-292 Add support for contact_id+checksum in emailed links to volunteer opportunities
  • VOL-293 "Edit options" should display before a role has been added
  • VOL-294 "Open-Ended" opportunities should not have associated dates
  • VOL-295 Add support for custom fields to CiviVolunteer entities
  • VOL-296 Custom fields for volunteer projects
  • VOL-297 Add "created" and "last updated" columns to the needs table
  • VOL-298 Newly added roles not selectable without refresh
  • VOL-299 Installation fails with "Incorrect datetime value: '0' for column 'created_date'"
  • VOL-300 Remove "Cancel" button from "Notify Me" form
  • VOL-301 Compatibility with 4.6 is broken
  • VOL-303 Drag-and-drop volunteer assignment misses fields 'role' and 'scheduled time'
  • VOL-304 Bug in ACL SQL in Volunteer Report
  • VOL-305 Volunteer Report - Unknown extension key in a translation string: org.civicrm.volunteer.
  • VOL-306 CIVICRM-273 Volunteer Roster does not show admin-only opportunities in backend
  • VOL-307 api.VolunteerNeed.getsearchresult needs refactoring
  • VOL-308 Deleting a project doesn't remove associated information from civicrm_uf_join table
  • VOL-309 Enabling CiviVolunteer returns "Expected one UFGroup but found 0", prevents further access to CiviCRM
  • VOL-310 Blank screen on CiviVolunteer pages after upgrade to Civi 4.7.21
  • VOL-311 CiviVolunteer is not compatible with 4.7.22
  • VOL-312 Add more detail to volunteer activity when assigned (TFC-94)
  • VOL-313 Assign volunteer activity to the Volunteer (TFC-93)
  • VOL-314 Remove resource URL check now that core has its own
  • VOL-315 Correct implicit assumption that group registration profiles will always have activity fields
  • VOL-316 Notice warning
  • VOL-317 strict notice on latest civi
  • VOL-318 Breakage caused by use of Backbone.noConflict() introduced in CiviCRM 4.7.31
  • VOL-319 Column, 'id' is ambiguous... in Opportunity Search
  • VOL-320 Back to Manage Volunteer Projects button does nothing